Réseau express régional 아르이아르
rack and pinion railway 치궤조식철도, 랙식철도
rack gear 랙치차
rack irregularity index 궤도틀림지수
rack motor 랙전동기
rack rail 랙레일, 치궤조
rack railway 랙식철도, 치궤조식철도
rack truck 랙대차
rack type gear 랙치차
radial truck 레이디얼대차
Radio Frequency Interference 전파간섭
radio interference 전파장애
radio telephone 열차무선
radio train approach alarm 무선식열차접근경보장치
radio wave 전파
radious of lead curve 리드곡선반경
radius rod 심향봉
rafter 서까래
Rahmen beam 라멘빔
Rahmen bridge 라멘교
rail 궤조, 레일
rail accessories 레일부속품
rail anchor 레일앵커, 앤티크리퍼
rail base plate 상판
rail bender 레일굴곡기
rail bike 궤도자전거
rail bond 레일본드
rail brace 궤조전지,궤조지재, 레일지재, 레일브레이스
rail brake 레일브레이크
rail broken 레일절손
rail buff 철도팬
rail car fire 차량화재
rail carriage fire 차량화재
rail carrier 레일운반기
rail chair fastening 체어
rail clamp shunt 궤도단락기
rail clip 레일클립, 체결스프링
rail corrugation 파상마모
rail creepage 레일복진
rail creeping 레일복진, 복진
rail cycle 궤도자전거
rail depression gauge 레일침하계
rail distortion 레일버릇
rail distortion fixing 레일버릇교정
rail drill 레일천공기
rail drilling machine 레일천공기
rail failures 레일손상
rail fastener 레일체결장치
rail fastening device 레일체결장치
rail fastening device for iron tie 철침목용체결장치
rail fastening device for PC-tie PC침목용체결장치
rail fastening device for wooden tie 목침목용체결장치
rail flaw detect car 레일탐상차
rail flaw detector 레일탐상기
rail flow 레일플로
rail flow grinding 레일플로삭정
rail girder 궤조조형, 레일형
rail grinder 레일삭정기
rail grinding 레일삭정
rail grinding car 레일삭정차, 레일연삭차
rail grinding machine 레일삭정차, 레일연삭차
rail guard 배장기
rail head 레일두부
rail head liquid lubricator 레일도액기
rail head lubricator 레일답면도유기
rail heating machine 레일가열기
rail height 레일의높이
rail inclination defects 레일기움
rail indicator 선로표시기
rail indicator for kick off shunting indicator 돌방입환표지용선로표시기
rail joint 레일이음매, 보통이음매, 이음매
rail joint depression rectifier 이음매처짐정정기
rail joint expander 유간정정기
rail joint impactor 유간충격기
rail joint insulation 레일절연
rail joint rectifier 유간검사
rail joint work 이음매작업
rail level 레일면
rail loading machine 레일적하기
rail lubricator 레일도유기
rail network 철도망
rail pad 궤도패드, 제이종궤도패드, 타이패드
rail pass ticket 프리승차권
rail potential control device 레일전위억제장치
rail press brake 레일압착브레이크
rail profile 레일 단면
rail profile recorder 레일단면측정기
rail renewal 레일갱환
rail replacer 레일갱환기
rail saw 레일절단기
rail seat force 레일압력
rail section 레일 단면
rail shelling 레일셀링, 셀링
rail spike 개못
rail steel 레일강
rail tensor 레일긴장기
rail thermo meter 레일온도계
rail tongs 레일캐치
rail tracks 궤도
rail transferring 레일바꿔놓기, 궤조진체
rail transposing 궤조진체, 레일바꿔놓기
rail treadle 레일접촉기
rail wagon 레일운반차
rail warmer 레일가열기
rail wear 레일마모
rail wear gauge 레일마모측정기
rail wear measuring instrument 레일마모측정기
rail weight 레일중량
rail welding 레일의용접
rail work 레일작업
railbus 레일버스
railcar 기동차
railcar train 기동차열차
rail-carrying dedicated wagon 레일수송전용차
rail-carrying wagon 레일운반차
railfan 철도팬
railhead 레일두부
railroad 철도
railroad accident 운전사고, 철도운전사고, 철도사고
railroad car 철도차량
railroad clock 철도시계
railroad crossing 건널목, 건널목길
railroad monument 철도모뉴먼트
railroad roof 레일로드루프
railroad ticket 승차권
railroad tickets 승차권류
railroad tunnel 철도터널
railway 철도
railway accident 운전사고,철도사고, 철도운전사고
railway bridge 철교, 철도교
railway bridge across railway 과선철도교, 선로교
railway car 철도차량
railway carriage 철도차량
railway clock 철도시계
railway communication 철도통신
railway compounds 구내
railway crossing 건널목, 건널목길
railway division 선구
railway electrification 철도전화
railway engineering 철도공학
railway enthusiast 철도팬
railway facilities 철도시설
railway ferry 철도연락선
railway forest 철도림
railway modelling 철도모형
railway monument 철도모뉴먼트
railway motor car 기동차
railway network 철도망
railway noise 철도소음
railway planning 철도계획
railway precincts 구내
railway premises 구내
railway rail 보통레일
railway route 노선
railway service car 직용차
railway signal 철도신호
railway structure 철도구조물
railway ticket 승차권
railway tickets 승차권류
railway track 궤도
railway track closing 선로폐쇄
railway traffic operation arrangement 운전정리
railway transportation 철도운송
railway tunnel 철도터널
railway vehicle 철도차량
railway vibration 철도진동
railway work mark 선로작업표
rain alarm 우량경보기
rainfall 강우량, 우량
Rainhill Trials 레인힐트라이얼즈
raising track 궤도올리기, 궤도강상
raising track and roadbed 선로강상, 선로올리기
rake 갈퀴
ramp 건넘판, 엔드어프로치
ramp way 경사로
RAMS 람스규격
range of compensation for damages 손해배상의범위
rapid express 쾌속급행
rapid special express 쾌속특급
rapid transit railway 고속철도, 고속도철도
rapid transit train 쾌속열차
rate 속도
rated power 정격출력
rated speed 정격속도
ratio of passengers on board 승차율
ratio of wheel load unbalance 정지윤중비
rattling vibration 래틀진동
raw steel 조강
Rayleigh wave 레일리파
RB earthquake resistant reinforcement method 아르비내진보강공법
RC 아르시
RC box girder 아르시상형
RC box Rahmen 아르시박스라멘
RC bridge 아르시교
RC girder 아르시형
RC jacketing method 아르시권립공법
RC sleeper 아르시침목
RC through girder RC하로형
RC track beam 아르시궤도빔
reach stacker 리치스태커
reactance 리액턴스
reactance type fault locator 리액턴스검출식고장점표정장치
reaction plate 리액션플레이트
reactive power 무효전력
reactor 리액터
readhesion 재점착
readhesion characteristic 재점착특성
readhesive control 재점착제어
reading light 독서등
readjustment of roadbed 시공기면정리
ready mixed concrete 레디믹스트콘크리트, 생콘크리트
realignment of track 궤도정정
rearrangement track 조체선
re-ballasting 도상보충
rebar 철근
receiving coil 수전기
receiving device 삭수장치, 수삭장치
receiving track 도착선
recharge 재충기
reciprocating air compressor 왕복식공기압축기
reclining seat 리클라이닝시트, 자재시트
reclosing circuit 재폐로
record plate of bridge 교량표
recording speedometer 기록식속도계
recovery operation 회복운전
rectangular shaped tunnel 상형 터널
rectangular shed 장방형차고
rectangular underframe 장형대틀
rectification 정류
rectifier 정류기, 정류소자
rectifier substation 직류변전소
rectify 정류
rectifying post 정류포스트
recycled rail 재용레일
recycling of ticket 승차권의 리사이클
Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles 렌페
reduced speed signal 감속신호
reduced structure gauge mark 축소건축한계표
reduction 환원
reduction gear 감속기
reference station 기준역
refilling of ballast 도상보충
refrigerated car 냉장차
refrigerated container 냉동컨테이너
refrigerator car 냉동차
refuel track 급유선
refuge bay 대피소
refuge change 대피변경
refuge hole 대피소
refuge prohibited section 대피금지개소
refuge station 대피역
refuge track 대피선
refuge train 대피열차
regal matter of railway ticket 승차권의법적성질
regeneration 회생
regeneration canceled 회생실효
regeneration cutting 갱신벌
regeneration decreasing control 회생한정감소제어
regenerative brake 회생브레이크, 전력회생브레이크
regenerative energy 회생에너지
regenerative factor 회생률
regenerative partial-cancellation control 회생한정감소제어
register form ticket 기명식승차권
regular block system 상용폐색방식
regular fare ticket 보통승차권
regular inspection 교번검사
regular inspection track 교번검사선
regular joint bar 보통이음매판
regular point 보통전철기
regular printed ticket 상비승차권
regular running 기준운전
regular running time 기준운전시분
regular safety system 상용보안방식
regular tie 보통침목
regular train 보통열차, 정기열차
regulation of rainfall 우량규제
regulator valve 가감변장치
reinforced concrete 철근콘크리트
reinforced concrete bridge 아르시교, 철근콘크리트교
reinforced concrete construction 아르시구조, 철근콘크리트구조
reinforced concrete girder 아르시형, 철근콘크리트형
reinforced concrete girder bridge 아르시형교
reinforced concrete pipe 철근콘크리트관
reinforced concrete pole 철근콘크리트주
reinforced concrete tie 아르시침목, 철근콘크리트침목
reinforced embankment 보강성토
reinforced roadbed 강화노반
reinforced soil method 보강토공법
reinforcement 철근
reinforcing bar 철근
re-laid rail 재용레일
relay 계전기
relay drop 계전기낙하
relay interlocking 계전연동장치
relay interlocking machine 계전연동기
relay valve 중계변
release lever 해방정자
release magnet valve 완해전자변
release position 완해위치
release valve 완해변
release-filling position 완해충기위치
releasing 방삭
reliability 신뢰성
Reliability Availability Maintenability Safety 람스규격
relief car 구원차
relief locomotive 구원기관차
relief train 구원열차, 구제열차
Remote Control 아르시
remote supervisory control device 원방감시제어장치
remote terminal 원격단말장치
removable resilient sleeper solid bed track 착탈식탄성침목직결궤도
renewal car 갱신차
renewal machine of rail 레일갱환기
renewal of track skeleton 궤광갱신
renewal repair 갱신수선
Renfe 렌페
rent fright car 차량의대여
repainting period 개칠주기
repair for preparing cars for loading 사업검사
repair of side slope 법면보수
repair of tie 침목보수
repair track 수선선
repairing of track 궤도보수작업
repairing of track materials 재료보수작업, 궤도재료보수
repairing period 수선회귀
repeater 리피터
repeater of leaving signal 출발반응표지
repeater of starting signal 출발반응표지
repeater signal 중계신호기
repeating signal 중계신호기
repeating signal marker 중계신호표지
replacement of roadbed 노반치환공법
replacement of track materials 궤도재료갱환
replacement standard of track materials 재료갱환기준
report of train departure to the related station 현발통지
reprofiling of flow 플로삭정
republic railway 국영철도, 국유철도, 국철
repulsion type magnetic levitating 반발 부상식
required cars 소요차
required time between two stations 도달시분
RER 아르이아르
re-routing of railway line 선로부체, 선로변경
rescue locomotive 구원기관차
reserved car 예비차
reserved car track 예비차선
reserved seat 좌석지정석, 지정석
reserved ticket 지정승차권
resetting of continuous welded rail 롱레일의설정바꾸기
residual stress 잔류응력
resilient fastening 탄성체결
resilient sleeper ballasted track 유도상탄성침목궤도
resilient sleeper solid bed track 탄성 침목 직결 궤도, 탄직궤도
resilient sleeper track with sound-absorbing ballast 탄성밸러스트궤도
resilient wheel 탄성차륜
resin-fixed track 수지고정궤도
resistance loss 동손
resistance to rail-creepage 복진저항력
resonance 공진
resort train 리조트열차
responsible accident 책임사고
responsible railway accident 책임운전사고
restaurant in station yard 역구내식당
resting car 휴차
restriction of CWR maintenance work 롱레일의작업제한
restriction of long rail maintenance work 롱레일의작업제한
retain of car 차량의유치
retained car 유치차량
retaining frame on slope 법틀공
retaining structure 항토압구조물
retaining wall for rockfall 낙석막이 옹벽
retarding structure for avalanche 설붕감세공
retriever 리트리버
return circuit 귀선, 귀선로
return circuit bond 귀선본드
return crank 리턴크랭크
return feeder 귀선로
re-use goods 재용품
revenue line 영업선
reverse handle 레버즈핸들
reverse operation 퇴행운전
reverse position 반위
reverse transition curve 반향완화곡선
reversed curve 반향곡선
reversed gradient 반향구배
reverser 역전기
reversible 4-cable aerial ropeway 사선교주식
reversible cable car 교주식 케이블카
reversible cable railway 교주식강삭철도
reversible double monocable aerial ropeway 복식단선교주식
reversible double track cable car 복선교주식케이블카
reversible monocable aerial ropeway 단선교주식삭도
reversible multicable aerial ropeway 복선교주식삭도
reversible ropeway 교주식 삭도
reversible seat 전환시트
reversible single track cable car 단선교주식케이블카
reversible tricable aerial ropeway 삼선교주식
reversing gear 역전기
reversing handle 역전핸들
RFI 전파간섭
rheological foam shield method 기포실드공법
rheostatic braking 발전 브레이크, 발전 저항 브레이크
rheostatic control 저항제어
rheostatic vernier controller 저항버니어제어기
ribbon resistor 리본저항기
Rico type hanging strap 리코식손잡이
ride claim 승차청구권
ride quality level 승차감레벨
riding 승차
riding comfort 승차감
riding quality coefficient 승차감계수
rig 궤조륜
right angle cardan driving device 직각카르단구동장치
right away hand signal 승객취급종료전호
right away indicator 승객취급종료표시등
right bridge 직교
right hand turnout 우분기기
right of way 선로부, 궤도부
right side of track 선로우측
right upper elevation 직상고가
rigid body 강체
rigid conductor equipment 강체전차선
rigid conductor line 강체조가식
rigid crossing 고정크로싱
rigid frame abutment 라멘식교대
rigid frame beam 라멘빔
rigid frame bridge 라멘교
rigid frame elevated bridge 라멘고가교
rigid frame pier 라멘식교각
rigid frame structure 라멘구조
rigid frame viaduct 라멘고가교
rigid frog 고정크로싱
rigid joint 강접합
rigid wheel base 고정 축거
rigidity 강성
risk taking 리스크행동
river shingle 강자갈
rivet 리벳
RMS current 아르엠에스전류
RN rail fastening 아르엔형체결장치
road and railway bridge 병용교
road and tramway track 병용궤도
road bridge across railway 과선도로교
road roller 로드롤러
road surface planer 노면절삭기
road/rail machine 궤륙차
road/rail type 궤륙식
road/rail type overhead contact line work car 궤륙형가선작업차
roadbed concrete 노반콘크리트
roadbed covering method 노반면 피복 공법
roadbed drainage 노반배수
roadbed improvement 노반개량
roadbed inspection 노반검사
roadbed pressure 노반압력
roadbed stabilizing method 노반안정처리공법
roadbed work 노반작업
road-rail bridge 병용교
road-rail vehicle 궤륙차
roadway 선로, 선로부
roadway clearance 건축한계, 건축정규
roadway diagram 토공정규
roadway division 선구
roadway opening 선로개통
roadway structures 선로구조물
rock bolt 록볼트
rock bolt method 록볼트공
rocker bearing 로커지승
Rocket locomotive 로켓호
rockfall 낙석
rockfall alarm system 낙석경보장치
rockfall detecting device 낙석검지장치
rockfall prevention works 낙석예방공
rockfall protection 낙석 방지
rockfall protection fence 낙석막이책, 낙석방지책, 낙석방호책
rockfall protection forest 낙석방지림
rockfall protection galleries 낙석 덮개
rockfall protection net 낙석방지망, 낙석방호망
rockfall protection works 낙석방호공
rocking derailment 로킹탈선
rod type coupler 봉연결기
role rubber type 롤고무식
roll down type rockfall 전락형낙석
rolled steel 압연강
rolled steel for structure 구조용압연강재
roller 궤조륜
roller bearing 굴림대축수
roller type 굴림대식
roller type rail joint impactor 롤러식충격기
rolling 롤링
rolling bearing 구름축수
rolling contact fatigue 전동피로
rolling gradient 전주구배
rolling noise 전동소음, 전동음
rolling stock 차량, 철도차량
rolling stock center 차량센터
rolling stock floor height 차량의마루면높이
rolling stock maximum height 차량의최대높이
rolling stock maximum length 차량의최대길이
rolling stock maximum width 차량의최대폭
rolling stock not allowed for kick off shunting 돌방금지차량
rolling stock overall height 차량의전고
rolling stock overall length 차량의전장
rolling stock overall width 차량의전폭
rolling stock roof height 차량의지붕높이
rolling stock rule 차량정규
rolling stock test stand 차량시험대
rolling track 전주선
Romancecar 로망스카
roof board 지붕널
roof construction 지붕구, 지붕구체
roof sheathing 지붕널
roof sheet 지붕포
roof sheets 지붕널
root mean square current 아르엠에스전류
rope 삭조
rope break accident 삭조절단사고
rope derailment detector 탈삭 검출 장치
rope grip 악삭
rope pressing device 압삭장치
ropeway 로프웨이
ropeway support pillar 삭도지주
ropeway tower 삭도지주
roster 교번, 운용표
roster plan 승무원운용계획
rostering 승무원운용
rotary air compressor 회전식공기압축기
rotary converter 회전변류기
rotary frequency changer 회전형주파수변환장치
rotary locomotive 로터리기관차
rotary snow removal locomotive 로터리식제설기관차
rotary snowplow 로터리설소차, 회전설소차, 로터리차, 회전식설소차, 로터리제설차
rotary snowplow device 로터리제설장치
rotary window 선회창
rotatable transverse seat 회전식크로스시트
rotating and reclining seat 회전리클라이닝시트
rotating seat 회전시트
rotor 로터, 회전자
rotor coil 로터코일
Rough Terrain Crane 러프터레인크레인
round bar 환강
round fastening spike 환지못
round inspection 순회검사
round steel bar 환강
round ticket 왕복승차권
roundhouse 기관차고, 부채형차고, 선형고
round-shaped tunnel 원형터널
route 진로
route electric source indicator 진로전원식별표지
route indicator 진로표시기
route length 선로연장
route lever 진로정자
route lever type 진로정자식
route lock 진로쇄정
route selection type 진로선별식
route setting 진로설정
route signal 루트시그널, 진로표시기
route signal system 진로표시식
RP earthquake resistant reinforcement method 아르피내진보강공법
rubber bearing 고무지승
rubber bush 고무부시
rubber cushion 고무스프링
rubber elasticity 고무탄성
rubber level crossing 고무제건널목
rubber pad 궤도패드
rubber pad of the second kind 제이종궤도패드
rubber sandwitch type 고무샌드위치식
rubber spring 고무스프링
rubber suspension 고무스프링
rubber tired subway 고무타이어식지하철
rubber tyre 고무타이어
rubber-like elasticity 고무장탄성
rubber-like properties 고무장탄성
rubber-tyred metro 고무타이어식지하철
rubber-tyred tram 고무타이어트램
rubble 쇄석
rule of tramway track clearance 궤도정규
ruling grade 사정구배, 지배구배, 제한구배
run curve 런커브, 운전선도
runaway 일주
running board 러닝보드, 보판
running device 주행장치
running gear 러닝기어, 주행장치
running gear inspection 대차검사
running inspection 운전검사
running into wrong track 이선진입
running position 운전위치
running rail 주레일
running resistance 주행저항
running speed 운전속도
running surface 레일두부측면
running surface defects 두정면상
running surface of rail 레일두부상면, 레일두정면
running test in yard 구내시운전
running time 운전시분
run-over track 승월 선로
run-over type crossing 승월 크로싱
run-over type switch 승월 전철기, 승월 포인트
run-over type turnout 승월 분기기
Russell device 러셀장치
Russell head 러셀헤드
Russell head car 러셀헤드차
Russell locomotive 러셀기관차
Russell snowplow 러셀설소차, 러셀차
Russell snowplow device 러셀제설장치
Russell snowplow locomotive 러셀식제설기관차
한글 색인
한글 색인
일어 색인 https://alcoholicdrink.tistory.com/2935 일어 색인 한글 색인 https://alcoholicdrink.tistory.com/2936 알파벳순 색인 https://alcoholicdrink.tistory.com/2934 ⓒY&Y 발행일 20110127 최종갱신일 20110127 alcoholicdrink.t
알파벳순 색인
알파벳순 색인
한글 색인 https://alcoholicdrink.tistory.com/2936 일어 색인 https://alcoholicdrink.tistory.com/2935 ⓒY&Y 발행일 20110127 최종갱신일 20110127
ⓒY&Y 발행일 20110127 최종갱신일 20110127